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Expressions of Interest Are Invited

A Call For Partners For Our 2024

Established in the year 2000 the Yorkshire Accord Scheme offers a partnership approach to providing cost-effective high-quality coaching & mentoring support for the staff of those organisations who participate.

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We currently have twelve partners involved who represent a variety of colleges, universities and school academies and we are actively looking to welcome new partners from the public, private and third sectors to join us for our 2025 scheme year which is due to commence in September 2024. 

The Benefit of our Partnership Approach 

By working together, we are able to create affordable and mutually beneficial cross-organisational coaching & mentoring experiences for staff of the partner organisations involved.  


We do this by training a group of individuals in coaching & mentoring skills and creating a sustainable pool of of Coach/Mentors who are then able to make themselves available to provide 121 support to other staff members working in a different partner organisation (Coachee/Mentees).  


We currently have a pool of 80+ Coach/Mentors who support the scheme, and with their help and the organisations involved we support around 100 coaching & mentoring relationships annually.


…and have capacity to do even more!


Interested in Joining Us?

We are currently seeking new partners to join us for our 2025 Scheme year which is due to commence in September for a January 2025 coaching start. 


To register your interest all you need to do is complete the quick form on the righthand side of this page, by Friday 30th August 2024, and we'll get in touch to arrange a convenient time to call you with more details.


Register Your Interest Here!

Thanks for submitting your interest, we will be in touch soon!

How it Works

Costs & Time Commitment 

With an annual investment of £2200 per organisation we provide administrative and managerial support via a Scheme Leader and development for Coach/Mentors via a Training & Professional Practice Supervisor.


Each partner organisation is required to nominate an organisational co-ordinator who can be a point of contact for the scheme and will be responsible for managing their own local recruitment campaigns and putting forward suitable applicants to the scheme. They will also have the opportunity to input into our matching process, and will be encouraged to contribute to scheme management discussions and decision making. We estimate that each organisational co-ordinator will need to dedicate around 4-6 day per year to carry out scheme related activities.​


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Our Annual Timelines & Activities

Between October and September we will run 3 recruitment campaigns. We start our year by recruiting Coach/Mentor who are willing to join and support our scheme for a minimum period of 12 months (making themselves available to support 1 person every 6 months, so potentially 2 individuals across the year).  It is not necessary for these individuals to have prior experience of coaching & mentoring as full training and ongoing support and development will be provided.


We open recruitment for Coachee/Mentees in late October (for relationships which are due to start in early January) and again in late April (for relationships which are due to commence in early July).  Coaching & Mentoring relationships will be supported 6 months.


Development Opportunities Generated

Each year all of our organisation will have the opportunity to access the following development opportunities at a fraction of the cost you may otherwise pay to access external consultants who deliver similar services direct to your business.


  • 5x Coach/Mentors opportunities per year

  • 5x Coachee/Mentee opportunities every 6 months (that's 10 per year)

  • An annual and ongoing programme of support and professional development for Coach/Mentors which includes regular half day development events and access to 121 and group supervision

  • Access to online support materials and community forum discussions via the members area of our website

Need more information?

You may find it useful to browse the pages of this website which should help you get a better feel for the work we do, and the organisations and people involved.  You can also click on the image to the right of this text to access the Information for Organisations booklet which provides a broad overview of our offer. 


Additionally we would welcome the opportunity to talk to you and answer any questions you may have to help you decide whether or not our scheme may provide a good fit for you and your staff. 


Please contact us for a no obligation, no pressure chat. 



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