Coach/Mentor CPD Event - Building New Habits & Behaviours
Thu, 26 Sept
In this session we will look at the cycle of change, our client’s readiness for change, and explore some tools and techniques that might help us better support our Coachee/Mentees build the new habits and behaviours that will take them ever closer to where they want to go.

Time & Location
26 Sept 2024, 10:00 – 13:00
York, Lord Mayor's Walk, York YO31 7EX, UK
About the Event
‘There is a big difference between knowing what can be done and doing it.’
As Coaches & Mentors part of our job is to ensure that those we work with are supported to navigate their way through this challenge. For some, the path will be straightforward and the space and focus we help create may be all they need to leap into action and make things happen. However, for many the road to their goals is often much more complex than it may appear to be.
How many of us have set goals to 'Get fitter' 'Lose Weight' 'Create Healthier Work-Life Balance,’ or maybe 'Learn a New Language', 'Read More, 'Write More' 'Have More Fun' etc? Our early enthusiasm propels us to act, conducting research, and identifying information, and resources that can help us. We may sign up for new apps, create new memberships, buy new books, (or some lovely new stationery) and we're ready to get started… we can begin to see the path we need to take, and we want to make the journey. Why then is it difficult to see this journey through, and why do so many of us fail to achieve the long-term, meaningful and sustainable change we are seeking?
That's what we will explore in this session. We'll look at the cycle of change and our client’s readiness for change, and share some tools and techniques that might help us better support our Coachee/Mentees build the new habits and behaviours that will take them ever closer to where they want to go.
Information to access the venue
York ST John University is situated in the centre of York which is accessible from the rail stating, park and ride and by car, using local car parks.
More details of travelling to the University can be found here.